PROJECT: Design, construct and commission the 400kW Brenwe small hydropower plant on the island of Malekula, Vanuatu. MTL ROLE: MTL provided civil, structural and hydraulic design of the power scheme principle works, including the: intake structure; head race; surge chamber; penstock, and powerhouse. In particular, the intake structure and surge chamber inspired innovative design solutions [...]

2024-07-01T14:53:10+12:00June 24th, 2024|

Waimea Dam Mechanical and Electrical Design

PROJECT: Waimea Community Dam, Lee River Valley, Tasman, New Zealand. Mechanical and Electrical design for 53m high concrete face rockfill dam 2019 to 2024. MTL ROLE: MTL NZ Ltd (MTL) and our partners McMahon Electrical Ltd were engaged as mechanical and electrical designers for Waimea Community Dam. Our services included a review of existing designs, [...]

2023-02-02T14:29:40+13:00February 2nd, 2023|

Arnold Hydro Power

PROJECT: New 30-45MW hydro power project to replace a 1920’s vintage hydro station. The new development bypassed the original station and, with an increase in head, provided significant more generation from the same water source. MTL ROLE: MTL and Hydroworks developed a turbine delivery strategy for the client that allowed the civil design of the [...]

2020-07-23T13:12:18+12:00July 23rd, 2020|

West Kiewa Valve And Plant Upgrade

PROJECT: 62MW Turbine, Main Inlet Valves and Balance of Plant Upgrade. MTL ROLE: AGL engaged MTL to provide engineering and contract support for the upgrade of the West Kiewa turbines, replacement MIV’s and balance of plant upgrades. The turbine upgrade includes replacing the runner, head cover, bearing and seal, guide vanes, servo motors, links and [...]

2020-01-21T09:25:59+13:00January 21st, 2020|

Samoa Hydro Power Stations

PROJECT: Samoa Hydro Developments. MTL ROLE: MTL designed the penstocks, intake reservoir chamber and power house structures, and associated structures for the Samoa hydro power schemes at the 0.6MW Fausaga-Tafitoala (3.5km penstock) and 0.2MW Faleata Hydro Power Stations. PROJECT OUTCOME: Unique design solutions were found by working closely with the Constructor to overcome constraints due [...]

2019-07-05T17:15:52+12:00July 5th, 2019|

Samoa Hydro Power Station Refurbishments

PROJECT: Samoa Hydro Refurbishments. MTL ROLE: The existing hydro power stations had suffered significant damage following cyclone Evan in 2012. MTL redesigned penstocks, canals, intake structures and associated power station structures for the Samoa hydro power scheme refurbishments at the 1MW Samasoni (3.6km penstock), 1MW Alaoa and 1.7MW Fale ole Fee Hydro Stations. PROJECT OUTCOME: [...]

2019-07-05T17:11:54+12:00July 5th, 2019|

Tuai Power Station Relief Valve Refurbishments

PROJECT: 52MW Tuai Hydro Power Station Relief Valve Refurbishments. MTL ROLE: The Tuai power station was commissioned in 1929. The Turbine Relief Valves (TRVs) of each hydro turbine (G1 & G2) required refurbishment to improve their reliability. MTL prepared the scope of work for the Fitness For Service (FFS) & Refurbishment works of the TRVs. [...]

2019-08-02T14:20:22+12:00June 21st, 2019|

Upper Nihotupu Dam

PROJECT: Upper Nihotupu Dam and Hydro Upgrade. MTL ROLE: Working closely with Watercare Services Ltd, MTL led a design team for a major upgrade at Upper Nihotupu Dam in the Waitakere Ranges Regional Park. The upgrade ensures the dam complies with stringent Resource Management Act & Building Act requirements. Two 1kW 24V Eco-Innovation micro-hydro generators [...]

2019-07-05T17:38:17+12:00July 26th, 2018|

Efficiency Testing

PROJECT: Efficiency Testing of Power Station Hydro Turbines. MTL ROLE: MTL developed test procedures specifying the testing process/test instruments and supervised the testing including: instrumentation setup and calibration; conduct of testing; post-test calibration and instrument checks. MTL processed and presented the test results to the client. PROJECT OUTCOME: Efficiency testing enables optimisation of plant operation [...]

2019-06-27T11:27:35+12:00July 5th, 2018|

Manapouri Hydro Turbine And Generator Refurbishment

PROJECT: Mechanical refurbishment of Manapouri hydro turbine and generators. Manapouri has 7 by 122MW vertical Francis machines in an underground machine hall. MTL ROLE: MTL developed detailed refurbishment scope of works, and technical specifications for each of Manapouri’s 7 units. The specs were developed to identify and resolve individual machine defects and condition, as well [...]

2019-07-05T16:24:22+12:00November 17th, 2016|
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